/* /* Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Good Bad Funny Report


Good: Gym, wrapping Yassine's present, Canobie Lake Park, Spending the day with Yassine and getting paid for it
Bad: forgetting to take the patties out of the freezer and having to use a hot water bath to thaw the meat.
Funny: giving my canobie cash to some random chinese family who didn't speak english

Good: Watching the Olympics with Yassine, Outlet shopping!, Hanging out with Matt and Andrea! First Little Bakers Challenge Completed! Meeting with a bride and groom (first step toward my own business)!
Bad: ... beyond words
Funny: "I shouldn't have stuck a pencil up Megan's nose because she could have gotten led poisoning" - My brother, age 7(ish) after my mother made him write a letter about why it was a bad idea to stick a pencil up my nose. I had to write one saying why it was a bad idea to let him. :)

Good: EMILY! Dinner at Mr. Crepe (creepy) / Coconut Almond Ice Cream at jp licks (OMG! so good)/relaxing with Yassine
Bad: sleepy head
Funny: remembering i had a second ipod an hour after going to bed and getting up and giving it to yassine

Good: gymming, making dinner with Yassine,
Bad: so sleepy
Funny: yassine throwing part of his salad on the floor, then spilling burger juice on himself, then me spilling my salad. :)

Good: relaxing, buying super cute green shoes,
Bad: the gym really knocking me out
Funny: using the social networking feature of wishpot

Good: 1 year anniversary with the man of my dreams! Beautiful roses, romantic card, and perfect cake to celebrate.
Bad: nothing bad on a day like this
Funny: me planning to make a cake for Yassine, Yassine surprising me with a cake :)

Good: We drink shampoo, I mean champagne! Beijing Olympics Party!!!! Gymming, chilling with Elena, great workout, New Bed, cuddling with my boopie,
Bad: terrible sunday. from bad to worse.
Funny: attempting to go to Arlington Center; waiting 20 minutes for the bus, arriving, it starting to rain 20 seconds later, taking the bus home, getting all rained on.

Good: relaxing with Yassine after work / baking cookies for the Olympics' Party! / gym
Bad: being stinky on the bus / missing my boopie / wanting to murder the linksys people
Funny: blowing a fuse and having to finish mixing my dough in the pantry

Good: GYM! delicious chicken stirfry
Bad: exhausted
Funny: "Hello" - Yassine when I put my foot up to his face like a phone.

Good: Short day at work
Bad: The internet and the router both not working properly
Funny: "you're not going to believe it, but now the cable's not working" - me texting Yassine after trying to fix the router and the internet for five hours.


We couldn't be happier,
Right, dear?
Couldn't be happier
Right here
Look what we've got
A fairy-tale plot
Our very own happy ending

Good: MOVING IN WITH YASSINE!!!! / My parents visiting the new apartment! / Taking Yassine on a surprise trip to Spy Pond! / late night tagine / late night walk
Bad: so sore I couldn't sleep
Funny: being saved by the Keystone First Aid Kit!

Good: packing!
Bad: sneezing!
Funny: Natalie buying two trash barrels that don't fit under the sink

Good: gym / talking to mom
Bad: why do i have a cold in the middle of the summer?
Funny: "she had a monster face and her hair was all crazy" - Kam on the time Natalie yelled at us

Good: more packing / relaxing
Bad: roommates who turn on the AC while all the windows in the house are open
Funny: "you watching battlestar galatica has effected my life negatively in the following ways"

Good: my first time making tagine / first time making potato salad / bbq at Grampa's / packing
Bad: sore throat and headachey
Funny: the image of my cousin kirk pulling the pin on the sidecar of a motorcycle and watching his fiance go flying.

Good: Date with Yassine! Buying our first bed! Dark Knight
Bad: sooooooo much rain
Funny: "How will I know when the time is right" - Alfred "it's not sealed" - Rachel.

Good: workout / earlier to bed
Bad: slow day at work, too much rain
Funny: Kam singing to Cindy over the phone

Good: khabab called / good work out / relaxing evening
Bad: jack attack
Funny: the homeless ppl in porter square dancing to "keep me hanging on" by Kim Wilde.

Good: lunch appointment with my Denver contact / packing more stuff / relaxing
Bad: rainy on my brainy
Funny: watching a movie where Natalie sang a song

Good: wandering through ArtBeat / dinner at Bengal Cafe / Packing! / QT and labor with Aaron / Late dinner / Mama Mia with Andrea / dinner and cuddles with Yassine
Bad: being astounded by people's ineptitude
Funny: the flood pouring down the stairs at boylston / Kitty cuddling with me / Mama Mia

Good: half day at work / best boyfriend ever / 'all clear' from the dr
Bad: brazilian bbq
Funny: "at least now when you're ready you know you'll baby have a perfect living room" :) / "What does this do" - Yassine as he presses the 'go to sleep' button on my laptop in the middle of our excel lesson.

Good: gym, more packing, Yassine
Bad: still hot
Funny: kitty jumping in every box ever / "I thought you said 'nachos' and i was like 'um, no kitty does not eat nachos'" :) my confusion over yassine getting 'natural' catfood

Good: gym / packing / the lease is signed!
Bad: still hot out
Funny: kitty jumping in one of the packing boxes.

Good: Smokin Aces with andrea, chatting with emily & yassine
Bad: follow up dr's appt
Funny: "you look like I just asked you the square root of something... what did you say to him?" - smokin aces


Good: Anniversary dinner and icecream with Yassine, exploring Arlington, Tagine dinner, Michaela visits! Cole Porter Review, Macy's shopping extravaganza! Buying a super cute dress!
Bad: people talking through all of the cole porter review / shuttle busses between kendall and park
Funny: When the annoying, loud, drunk woman "lost" her purse and yelled at the bartenders for holding it for her like she asked them to. / Kitty discovering himself in a mirror

Good: looking at apts with Yassine, dinner at Za, Icecream! 11 months of unwedded bliss :)
Bad: my roommates using the AC when the windows in the house are open
Funny: me wanting to buy the camel that was really the finished product of a craft kit...

Good: long steady workout, relaxing evening
Bad: hot as balls
Funny: Kenny being drunk when I called him at 9pm on a wednesday :)

Good: gym, quality time with aaron, "Get Smart"
Bad: staying up too late
Funny: "Get Smart" / Panda Security / John McCain loving "take a chance on me" by ABBA

Good: working out / making dinner with Yassine / chatting with mom
Bad: sweatiest workout ever
Funny: "what does this say?" - Yassine. "Cindy was here," me. "I know. What does this say?" - Yassine. "Cindy was here."- me "Ohhhh," Yassine. (Yassine on Cindy's "cryptic" message with our magnet letters.)

Good: NJ for the long weekend with Emily & Ben, Ben and Lindsey, etc / seeing Ben's store / hearing good news / meeting ppl from Syracuse (who know trevor) / movies and pj's / new purse! / Dinner with Yassine!
Bad: missing yassine
Funny: "Trevor Tamsen?" - me after the two syracuse ppl at the party mentioned 'trevor'

Good: spending the afternoon with Yassine (a rarity indeed) / making dinner / getting icecream
Bad: my landlord being a douche
Funny: "did you talk to your parents?" "no, did you?" :)

Good: gym, talking to my mom, talking to Yassine
Bad: hot
Funny: "he got to see how wacky we are and we got to see his sense of humor" - my mom

Good: Dinner at Forest Cafe & Dessert at Berry Line... Dancing in the Street! Dinner at John Harvards, Jazz at the CanTab, EuroCup; Spain Wins! Woot!
Bad: smoke alarms going off randomly in the middle of the night, no 83 bus ever
Funny: "It's never too late for a pitcher!" - Kam after drinking two pints / "there's no room for divas in a small company" - Cindy

Good: gym / finally seeing Yassine / resting
Bad: wanting instant results
Funny: putting my hand in wet paint... :) /paper-rock-scissors with Yassine with 'international rules'

Good: gym / busy at work
Bad: douchebag account rep
Funny: me beating the phone into the pillow to get yassine's attention

Good: summer shack, working out, delicious dinner, resting
Bad: 85 degrees at the gym
Funny: Kam's story about the girl yelling "FUKC" over and over while being stuck in the buckets of rain / Jeruselum Artichoke Flour

Good: Talking to Gillian, resting
Bad: sore throat keeping me up late
Funny: Running into Dave at the ATM and then running away so I didn't get rained on :)

Good: bowling with my parents in Maine, beach time, brunch at Becka's, BBQ at Aaron's, sleeping
Bad: sick day, sunburn
Funny: Bowling with my parents / my dad breaking the bathroom / One bowling pin, ah ah ah ah

Good: getting a free one way ticket on JetBlue for flying standby on a flight that was 6 hours late! Gym
Bad: The golden compass
Funny: "he's just like forest gump with his shorts and his knee brace" - yassine on Kam's outfit

Good: Big Hotel Room and Complimentary Bottle of Wine! Easy day at the office! Celtics Win it all!!!
Bad: 7 hours to get to DC- diverted in Richmond
Funny: Frank, the flight attendant on the 7 hour flight / Scott being afraid of food poisoning / Kevin Garnett going mental, Yassine seeing Powe before the game

Good: basketball/playground with Yassine! Me winning the free-throw competition, Going out for dinner at Not Your Average Joe's in Arlington, getting delicious icecream! River Festival with Natalie, Run outside, watching We Own the Night, Home for Father's Day! BBQ with the family!
Bad: tickle fight, celtics lose
Funny: me reenacting the face I made when I saw the manicurist's mole hair

Good: dinner outside with Yassine, plus Celtics win!
Bad: lots of ants in the house
Funny: "it seems like the more time we spend together the more easily we can solve any problems we have" - me. "well that's obvious" - yassine

Good: 10 months with the man I love!
Bad: hurting yassine's feelings by accident :(
Funny: my basil plant dying

Good: Dinner with Andrea at Passage to India!
Bad: so hot
Funny: my captions on Kam's GOL!!! photoset

Good: catching the bus and not going to burning porter square, getting a lot done, Yassine surprising me with an outfit to wear on a 95 degree day.
Bad: so sweaty at the gym
Funny: "I've never had this problem before" - Kam on noise levels

6.6.2008 - 6.8.2008
Good: Brazil vs. Venezuela with Cindy, Kam, Natalie, Abby, and Yassine! Matt's commencement & dinner at Simon Pearce, Staying with Kate and Kye, Yassine surprising me at S. Station! Delicious dinner, Celtics win!
Bad: three hours getting home from Foxboro, wicked hot, awkward family conversation
Funny: Cindy making friends with the Brazilians, Kam giving the other Venezuelans friendship bread.

Good: gym, home made pizza, Celtics win!
Bad: Yassine wanting to have play hour while I was trying to sleepy
Funny: "It's too much. The fun is over. No more games, the talking, the laughing, it's too much" - Natalie demanding Kam keep it down because she had gone to bed.

Good: Yassine coming to make me feel better, Yassine making me dinner, Yassine making me laugh, talking to my mom for a while about issues of old, Emily making me feel better
Bad: knowing that my grandfather's wife will be at my bro's graduation dinner and having a nervous break down about it
Funny: wrestling with Yassine. <3

Good: good eating, good workout, good resting
Bad: feeling sad for my baby
Funny: "give it to god" -natalie upon hearing that my omlette had a tumor / Trainer Dink

Good: Celtics win!, AIDSWalk with Kam and Natalie, Dinner with Yassine
Bad: Sunburned shoulders
Funny: Crying at PS I Love You, Kam with a clown, me humiliating the "obey me" volunteers, realizing "Imp" stands for Impossible

Good: spending time with my baby, getting a new cute picture of my license, relaxing
Bad: not finding any pants
Funny: Was the name of the travel agency "Fly By Night" - Emerick on the woes of my roommate waiting for his free trip to Floria.

Good: going to bed early, relaxing on the couch, making fruit salad
Bad: no gym today
Funny: "They charged me $400 a month and a half ago, but I am still waiting for my prize" - Kam

Good: making to the gym even though I was a sleepy bear
Bad: my pod dying and me running a mile with no music
Funny: 200 meter kbye

Good: Leaving work early, Birthday Party Time! Great Condo! Mountain Hiking with Yassine, Aaron, Steve, Jess, Emily, Cindy, and Kam! Then party time with Becka, Nichole, Elena, Seth, & Toni! BOOP CAKE, Superbad! Then sleepy time! Natalie, Hike of Death! 6 hours later making it back to the cars! BBQ time with Seth as Grill Master! 27 Dresses, Beerpong, Dance Party in the Basement! Jacu-Tuhb, Outlet shopping! Golden Arches!
Bad: longggg drive, hurting everywhere from my waist down, $8 spinach/chicken wrap

Funny: "you can fit two if you sit tugboat style" - Steve on the Jacu-Tuhb, Cindy singing, Skills for Life, "Kam, I'm disapointed in you" -Yassine, after Kam revealed that he cried after watching The Notebook. "Sunday, you can watch it Sunday, okay? - Kam on 27 Dresses. "okay, good thing today *is* Sunday." - me. "Team Culo vs Team Toyota!" Yassine making us climb up a river bed. Team Toyota losing the trail! Kam using the walky-talkies. "No laughing" - Toni, "no balls allowed in the backyard" - Natalie quoting Jack. Emily setting off her car alarm at 3:30 am to announce her arrival (accidentally). "For english press one" Toni's water shoes!

Good: Gym, WAH, Yassine making me dinner
Bad: ?
Funny: "if you'd stop talking I could hear what was going on" - me after Yassine asked me what was happening on Top Chef. "If you'd stop talking, 'oh you were gone for three hours, oh you were alseep all day, oh this oh that' then maybe you'd know what was going on" - Yassine making fun of me. :)

Good: great run, relaxing day at work
Bad: cutting my fingers with a knife
Funny: "Are you calling me?" - mom.
"no," - me
"Oh, well someone is calling me." mom
"not me." - me
"okay talk to you later then" - mom

Good: studying my arabic, relaxing
Bad: loudest downstairs neighbor ever
Funny: nearly forgetting to eat my breakfast and jogging to the kitchen to scarf down my oatmeal while Yassine tied his shoes.

5.16.2008 - 5.18.2008
Good: Spending time with Yassine, Inman Square with Kam, Double date at Al Fresco with Seth and Elena. Natalie's concert, seeing Sarah & Betsy
Bad: bus being 30 minutes late
Funny: "it's true, yassine is like Bubblicious and Amy is like... sugar free trident" - me on some girl stuck on Kam like gum.

let's get it on
I'll make love to you
hips don't lie
secret lovers
... songs that may be Kam's ringtone for when a certain lady calls

Yassine watching the celtics game on the DVR... oops, last five minutes didn't record.

Good: running into elena and seth at the gym, spending time with yassine
Bad: apartment anxiety
Funny: a girl at the gym losing her locker key in her sports bra.

Good: chatting with toni
Bad: ?
Funny: "I thought you were like a size seven"

5.12 & 13.2008
Good: blowing off class to have Yassine teach me, Chatting with Gillian, Chatting with Katelyn
Bad: maybe not going to soccer game
Funny: yassine trying to take someone else's coffee / "happy five-twelve day'


Good: Yassine making me dinner, relaxing, walking around Harvard Square, Salem with Steve
Bad: not enough sleep or time with my boopie
Funny: running into three people I know in Salem within a 3 hour time slot


Good: Yassine surprising me with a visit, running into Zach at the gym
Bad: the worst workout ever
Funny: Somebody's growing up!


Good: Gym, Chilling, Celtics win
Bad: cross-eyed from HSPD-12 spreadsheet updating
Funny: "she poked me on facebook" "i poked her two weeks ago" - anon


Good: relaxing
Bad: boiling over
Funny: "how do you say 'pre-molar'" annoying guy in my arabic class

Good: Indian delivery, bowling with Natalie, Dave, Gail, Aaron, John and Yassine, Brunch with Becka, Nichole & Natalie at S&S, Kite Runner on demand with Yassine and Kam
Bad: Not sleeping well
Funny: Kitty, Yassine kicking everyone's butt at air-hockey, "sorry the smell i made scared your cat" :)

Good: gym, making dinner for my baby, relaxing
Bad: pinkberry commiting suicide
Funny: http://www.sexybeijing.tv/new/video.asp?id=15

Good: being mentioned in the CEO's quarterly report
Bad: my phone not being a good time keeper
Funny: quote from indiebride re: decorating your reception space: "I can't use candles at all because my flowergirl is on oxygen and is highly flammable"

Good: Dinner with Yassine
Bad: soooo rainy outside!
Funny: Paula commenting about two songs when everyone had only sung one.

Good: Productive day at work, learning more arabic, going to bed early
Bad: some of the morons in my arabic class
Funny: "Cucumber" School / Gay nun

Good: Sheep Shearing Festival/Sheep Dog Herding/Lots of cute lil animals with Becka, Dave, & Aaron. Nile 'bar' with Yassine, running into Scott on the train, Fenway Tour with Cindy, Dave, and Aaron, relaxing on the couch with Kitty.
Bad: not enough sleep and some greasy food which meant no gym for me on Sunday.
Funny: being the only people without kids at the sheep shearing festival, and "do you like beef"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Going Green - Earth Day/Week Thoughts

I noticed today on whdh.com that gas prices on Marth's Vineyard are $4.00/gallon. This immediately makes me furious, not over the price of the gas, but over the people in the Vineyard/Nantucket Region. A few years back, the nation's first wind farm was to be built off of Nantucket Sound (the area between the Vineyard, Nantucket, and Cape Cod). And do you know what happened? They refused to let them build because: "The problem is that they're going to be visible. And they're going to be visible at night and they're going to be visible during the day and they're going to be lit up," said State Senator Rob O'Leary. This folks, is what your "tree-hugging" democrats say when people propose a renewable energy source. The reality is that you would hardly be able to see the wind farm from the beach.

So, to be honest, I am happy that all those people have to pay $4.00 a gallon for gas.

See the problem is, that when it comes down to it, going green is only a priority if it's convenient. Am *I* the greenest person? No. Do I think recycling is a farce? 80% yes. Do I think it takes more natural resources to pick up, breakdown, and recycle most consumer product? Yes. But do I try to think of things logically? Yes.

For all of you who say I am not 'green' enough, talk to me after you've purchased a hybrid car. Or maybe it's not very convenient for you to do that?

I remain bitter that the very people who are supposed to be fighting for our earth pick and choose when it is a good time to be green. If everyone would buy a hybrid car, maybe we wouldn't have to keep going to war over oil -a resource we refuse to drill for in our own country because of the wildlife surrounding possible drilling sites. I love cute animals as much as the next person... but I'd rather have all our young men and women safe at home.

I know it's not as cut and dry as what I make it out to be. But it is a matter of convenience... I never saw Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" but at least he picked the right word, "inconvenient" he is right about that... what a shame that the perfect view of your beach might be skewed somewhere miles off shore, that would be inconvenient indeed.

Until everyone (elephants and donkeys) focuses on what is important - the future of our earth... we're never going to be green.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Writer's Block

I know I've been silent for a long time. I look at my friends' blogs and they update them a few times a week. I love to hear what they've been up to, but for some reason, I've felt blocked lately, with no updates to produce here.

Things with me are good, really good. Who has that quote on their facebook profile? I think it's Mike G... "I can't complain, but sometimes I do anyway"... forget who said that. Truly though, lately, I feel like things are just floating on by.

Yassine and I are still looking for an apartment for the summer time. We're going to move in August, so not much on Craigslist is posted for that time frame. I keep seeing pictures of beautiful places, but until he gets settled in a job, we're not going to make any kind of dollar commitment... especially since we want to save for a house.

I've been at the gym 5 days a week since January 10th... I am running just over 2.5 miles and soon will kick it up to three. I have some good weeks with food and some not so good weeks. I am trying to be better about shopping, cooking, etc. But sometimes after working all week, I just want someone else to do the work. I am in love with the grill pan that my parents got me for Christmas. I use that thing all the time. I never used to cook fish, but now, I am eating fish two times a week. I am going to try burgers on that thing this weekend I think...

What else... Birthday party planning is in the works. Another trip to NH for hiking and relaxing. Should be a great time... I am expecting between eight and twelve guests. It will be nice to get away from the city for a while.

The longer I stay here, the more frustrated I become with city life. Maybe it's just this city. Maybe it's just the end of winter in this city. People seem very cranky. Or is it me... is it me who seems cranky? Trying to make my way through Harvard Square a few weeks back I nearly went postal. So many people, just wandering... I become frustrated. I'd like to move away from the city, but I need the T to commute. I found an adorable 3 bedroom house in Bellingham... less than 300k... i want it. Oh well.

The truth is that I am approaching a transition period in my life. I can feel it starting to creep up on me. I want to reach out and grab it and embrace it, but it's inching closer and closer and remains just out of reach. The anticipation of this transition might be way I haven't felt the need to write. The exciting things that I know will be wonderful and challenging are just around the corner... so close.

PS - David Cooke had better win American Idol. Seriously.

Friday, February 22, 2008

And I couldn't be happier, right here

So I am a bad blogger. I think we all already knew this. Okay, so it's been something in the ballpark of four months since I've blogged. There haven't been any major changes in my life since November, but I think it's worth it to at least share the minor changes, thoughts, concerns, etc.

In December I got a promotion. Maybe that technically happened in November, it's hard to say... but it's good, it's great actually. My promotion led to the excited February news: I got a PinkBerry.

December also shined as the 1st trip that I took with Yassine: to Paris and Belgium. I never wrote a comprehensive recap of that trip and I should work on that but to summarize: Traveling with Yassine is a wonderful experience. He is the most amazing man ever in the whole world. I know Paris is supposed to be the most romantic place in the world, but I think anywhere in the world with him would be the most romantic. It was great and stressful to spend 10 days exclusively with his family members who spoke varying amounts of English. I was completely grateful that any of them spoke any english because I speak 0 arabic and 0 french. That is changing however, starting in April I will be learning arabic. Wish me luck, because I don't think 5 years of Latin with Mrs. Schold is really appropriate prepatory work for learning arabic.

I decided to learn arabic for myself, not to make Yassine happy or to make his family happy, but to make sure that I am able to convey to his family who I am and how much I love their son. I was going to surprise Yassine with learning arabic in time to repeat my wedding vows in it, but I am going to need help and support and I know he'll give me both (as he always does).

In December, I got a new roommate. So far so good. He is a nice guy and I can stand living with him for another six months or so. :)

New Year's Eve was spent by the Eiffel Tower... sans fireworks. wtf.

February also marks Yassine's completion of his MBA!!! Now he is job hunting. Fingers crossed!

Anyway, I have no complaints about where I am in life right now.

and who would have thought
a fairy-tale plot
our very own
happy ending

Monday, November 26, 2007

Highlights and Sharpies

So it's Monday. Monday after Thanksgiving. So I am about twenty pounds heavier than last week at this time and sluggish as all getup. However, today I religiously followed my nutrition program and so far I feel back in control. I would list the foods I ate over Thanksgiving, but no one would believe that all that food could fit in my belly... even over the course of five days. Tomorrow will be the first day with the personal trainer since the eating began... so that should be interesting... I may have to roll myself a mile and a half to her studio rather than running like I usually do. Every year I learn the same thing... being at my parents' house makes me lose control of my eating. Maybe in the future I'll just show up for the meal and then run away as to avoid all the other food that goes along with the feast.

In good news, my promotion becomes official this week. I am now a Marketing Manager. That's pretty cool considering a year and a half ago at this time I was crying at work on a regular basis, getting screamed at by my old boss, and maintained a generally miserable existence from 8:00 am - 5:30 pm. Thank god I left that place! So now, I am a happy little Marketing Manager! Woot! The best thing about that, so far, is that someone sent me a mini sharpie in the mail today trying to convince me that I should spend all my trade show budget on their trade shows. For a free sharpie, I'll do pretty much anything! I wonder which of my family members will get this free sharpie in their stocking this christmas.... they also sent me some clippy things... they are less cool and would make better lame gifts.

What else? Yassine and I have been doing lots of things together... things he's only done once or never. Bowling (candlepin, of course) was a first, iceskating was a second, 3-D movie (Beowolf) was a first, traditional Thanksgiving was a first, decorating a Christmas tree was a first,... yeah we're pretty much making him american :) He doesn't seem to mind, and he's actually a pretty good bowler. He's the most wonderful man in the world and I am happy to spend oodles of time doing all kinds of american type things with him!

He and I leave for Paris on the 29th of December to spend our first vacation together. It should be awesome and strange at the same time. For most of the trip, we're staying in Paris with his family, who does not speak English. It's not his mom and dad, but his aunts and uncles, but still no english. I wish my five years of latin could magically turn into french, but alas. He'll be doing a lot of translating. I am bringing his family small gifts from the US... I was thinking of bringing Maple Syrup. Anyone have any other ideas? The trip will be incredible and I can't wait to get over there!

Things I've learned about myself... i made a damn good lasagna- healthy even :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Clippings and Spittings

People who clip their nails while at their desk at work are gross. Personal, bodily hygiene should not be performed in a public setting. However private you may think your desk is, it's not. I don't need your nail clippings flying into my eye in the middle of the work day. While I appreciate your seemingly immediate need to keep your fingernails an appropriate and manicured length, I cannot condone such an activity while at your desk. The worst thing about being an at-work, nail clipper... everyone can hear it from all over the freakin' place.

This goes double for people who brush their teeth in the office kitchen sink. Also disgusting and completely inappropriate. Spitting into a place where people clean their food dishes, get drinking water, and wash their hands... and on top of that, little flecks of spit are shooting all over the counter top, faucet, and cabinets. Did your mother teach you nothing? There is a reason that bathrooms exist.

It's amazing how people can't get off their soap boxes about how we need more privacy in our lives... and yet some of the most personal hygiene activities are apparently appropriate for all over the work place.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Now I am friends with a lawyer

A shout out to Jarad: Congrats on passing the Bar Exam. I knew you could do it! I am sooo proud of you!