/* /* Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl: May 2006

Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.

Friday, May 19, 2006

My life with Boys:

Juke Box Bars and other such nonesense

I have become a lazy blogger.

So remember the boy I met. Well yeah, that fell off as fast as it started. No worries though - he's not the first boy to confess his love for me, treat me like a princess, and then peace the f out randomly. Luckily for me I have realized that anyone who treats me like that isn't worth my time.

So do I give back the necklace that he gave me?

I have to take a moment to apologize to a certain journalist. "far superior" wasn't a fair description at all. After the showing on Saturday night - I am not sure I've ever had better. So perhaps YOU are the far superior one afterall. And I don't care if other people make fun of Erasure. They are a damn good band- and I will celebrate them until my dying day.

My birthday is a week from today. I am sure you'll all be celebrating with me! I really can't wait. Any excuse to celebrate/throw a party... maybe that's why I love hospitality so darn much - just a good time with good planning involved.

Oh, the ALL MOZART ALL THE TIME concert is finally upon us! Tomorrow at 5pm. Think of me around 5:50 when I'll be singing the wicked high german song. Yeah, I don't know the name of it. I am pulling a Barbara Tagg on this one... no idea- we just call it the WICKED HIGH ONE. It's an appropriate name for it.

Toni is coming to town tomorrow and Christian on Wednesday and maybe Kenny on Friday... I am the luckiest girl in the world. Who needs romance when you have such fabulous friends!