/* /* Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl: October 2007

Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Now I am friends with a lawyer

A shout out to Jarad: Congrats on passing the Bar Exam. I knew you could do it! I am sooo proud of you!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Shape Up Somerville 5k

On Sunday, September 30th, I completed my first 5k ever. Joe and I shaved four minutes off our practice time and crossed the finish line at 34 minutes. That works out to be just over a 10 minute mile, which I am extremely excited about! Yes, I had to walk a little bit here and there, but for short durations and we still finished in what I consider excellent time. Oh, and we didn't finish last, so that was good too... did I mention that we passed some skinny people? That also felt good. We were beaten by a speed walker and an 87 year old looking couple (who were previous boston marathon runners). But overall, I was really quite proud to compete, finish, and not come in last! We ran this route: http://www.shapeupsomerville5k.org/Map.html and made it up all the hills, even the long, gradual one that I was afraid of!

I am so proud of Joe for his effort and incredible progress since March.

We definitely couldn't have done this without each other!