/* /* Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl: February 2008

Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.

Friday, February 22, 2008

And I couldn't be happier, right here

So I am a bad blogger. I think we all already knew this. Okay, so it's been something in the ballpark of four months since I've blogged. There haven't been any major changes in my life since November, but I think it's worth it to at least share the minor changes, thoughts, concerns, etc.

In December I got a promotion. Maybe that technically happened in November, it's hard to say... but it's good, it's great actually. My promotion led to the excited February news: I got a PinkBerry.

December also shined as the 1st trip that I took with Yassine: to Paris and Belgium. I never wrote a comprehensive recap of that trip and I should work on that but to summarize: Traveling with Yassine is a wonderful experience. He is the most amazing man ever in the whole world. I know Paris is supposed to be the most romantic place in the world, but I think anywhere in the world with him would be the most romantic. It was great and stressful to spend 10 days exclusively with his family members who spoke varying amounts of English. I was completely grateful that any of them spoke any english because I speak 0 arabic and 0 french. That is changing however, starting in April I will be learning arabic. Wish me luck, because I don't think 5 years of Latin with Mrs. Schold is really appropriate prepatory work for learning arabic.

I decided to learn arabic for myself, not to make Yassine happy or to make his family happy, but to make sure that I am able to convey to his family who I am and how much I love their son. I was going to surprise Yassine with learning arabic in time to repeat my wedding vows in it, but I am going to need help and support and I know he'll give me both (as he always does).

In December, I got a new roommate. So far so good. He is a nice guy and I can stand living with him for another six months or so. :)

New Year's Eve was spent by the Eiffel Tower... sans fireworks. wtf.

February also marks Yassine's completion of his MBA!!! Now he is job hunting. Fingers crossed!

Anyway, I have no complaints about where I am in life right now.

and who would have thought
a fairy-tale plot
our very own
happy ending