/* /* Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl: September 2005

Mindless Meanderings of a Curly Haired Girl

It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


We may choose something like a star
To stay our minds on and be staid.

I have been a bad blogger lately, not updating anything other than the Daily Dose, but work has actually been (ready for this?) BUSY. Harvard Law Recruiting is in full swing and I've been playing, what I would like to call an "intergral role" in this whole she-bang (Ricki Martin's She Bangs is a really good song). So here we go... blog away!

This weekend is the beginning of October... and as many of you may know, this means all the libras are having birthdays. That means I am in charge of sending birthday wishes to: Frank, Jenn-Jenn, Peter, Jason, Jessica, and ... hmmm I feel like I am forgetting some people. It'll come to me.

I am heading down to Philly to see my boys this weekend! It's been a long time since I've seen Jarad - April maybe, and a few months since I've seen Kenny... should be a great trip. Short yes, but great none-the-less. I am flying AirTran, which is funny because it's like the China Air of the United States... well the three of us flew China Air when we were in the HK, and part of the plane fell off inside the cabin - I can only imagine what's going to happen on this short jaunt to Philly. It'll be great to see those two silly boys.

Upon my return, I am free from the confines of work until Thursday, so I will be heading to the wonderful country hamlet of Groton to spend some time with the loving mom and dad. Will be a most needed and calming break from the constant buzz that my life has become.

I've had a Mad Caddies song stuck in my head ALL morning. I decided perhaps I should try to go see them, but they are touring in Australia until January... anyone want to go?

Things I am looking forward to:

Philly (two jews and a shiksa reunite)
Jess' Bday (A go-card most definitely will be used)

Friday, September 23, 2005

Dumb Girl Quote of the Day

Dumb Girl: And then they went to that thing, you know, where there is a priest behind one door and you sit behind the other door and you tell him your secrets.

Vanessa: a confessional?

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Caller of the Day!

megan: it's a great day at the SCH, how may I assist you?

caller: Hi, I was told that all the rooms in the block for our conference were sold out, and that the hotel was sold out as well.

megan: yes.

caller: I was wondering if you'd be releasing anymore rooms for sale over those dates?

megan: Well the real trouble comes because it is not just your group block that is full, but the hotel is actually sold out over those dates as well.

caller: i see. so you won't be releasing anymore rooms?

I got a feeling there's a miracle due

Maybe it's because I slept for more than 5 hours last night... maybe it's because it's been more than two weeks since the heart ache, maybe it's because it's a full moon... but whatever the reason - I am finally starting to feel like my old self again.

Last night, after weight watchers, I hung out with Adam and KerriAnn. It was nice to just hang out, spend time with them, and chat.

I realized that while my relationship was great, it wasn't right for me. Paul was right about a lot of the things he said. It's a bit frustrating to know I have to get back out there and do it again. (do or do not, there is no try). I do enough other things in my life right now - finding a life partner seems like a daunting task. However, much in the same way Doug came into my life, I am sure it will happen when I least expect it. So for now, I am just going to party like a rock-star, build the bonds of friendship with those I love, and remember all the things that make me who I am.

Tonight is another wonderful Iron Chef event. I hope to eat some great chow, do some dancing, and meet some new people. If those girls from high school are there this time, I think I'll say hi to them.

Things I am looking forward to:

Iron Chef!
Wedding Dress Shopping for My Cuz
BEN CLYMER (them shit's be hard)

Oh - and honorable mention to KerriAnn, who although does NOT look like any Disney cartoon characters, still had a great audition!

Monday, September 19, 2005

Remember the time...

Remember the time that my corporate email account had been down since Thursday and I could not send nor recieve email from any clients and the message at the help desk said that there was "no estimated time" when the problem would be fixed and I had to create another gmail account so I could actually do my job? That was right now.

Oh Baby, Baby it's a Wild World

Another weekend of fun, football, and festivities. Friday was kicked off with a quick jaunt to the gym where I did my wonderful forty minutes of cardio. After showering all the stink away, I got dressed and Paul, Adam, KerriAnn, and I headed over to Jenn's new apartment for the housewarming party. I immediately got a bad taste in my mouth when I walked in the door, started to introduce myself to one of the new roommates, and she walked away from me. What a bitch. Glad I don't have to live with her. While there were a number of people there, none of them struck my fancy, and though I mingled through the rooms and conversed with the other attendees, I was still left with a feeling of, "everyone here is a tool." I had a twenty-minute conversation with a guy that went nowhere. I was like "okay, I am going to go over there now. bye" The only redeeming thing about him, was that he knew Mitch Hedberg and Dane Cook. After watching the Red Sox win in the rainy tenth inning, we headed home where Paul and I couched for another few hours.

Saturday I got up and headed down to Milton with Jess to watch Andrew play soccer. It was fun. It was nice to spend some quality time with my chick friend. Although Andrew's team didn't win, they played their hearts out. I never knew eleven year olds could be so good at soccer.

Saturday night, the roommate's and I went to The Rack where we met up with Adam, KA, and my favorite: Zoltan! Zoltan lives in Boston now!! Thank goodness. We enjoyed the festivites of people trying way too hard (as Paul put it). I did get to do some dancing, so that was great! I still wasn't really feeling the scene, but I tried my best to have a good time with my friends. It was fun to go and dance and wiggle around the dancefloor. I would have to say though, that I don't think I'll be going back to The Rack anytime soon.

I am hoping some more dancing will happen on Thursday at Iron Chef!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Mega Megan-Isms (aka: stuff I say)


I'm not going to lie

I heart that

To Couch

To Blob

Keys, Wallet, Phone

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little

Remember the time...

That was a good story, tell it again

The Scientist

Nobody said it was easy
It’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Aww take me back to the start

I was just guessin’,
At numbers and figures,
Pullin’ the puzzles apart
Questions of science,
Science and progress,
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
and sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveller, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear;
though as for that, the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no feet had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and
I--I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference

- Robert Frost

Monday, September 12, 2005

Saturday I Crashed Your Party

Saturday could not have been better. After a completely solid 40 minute cardio work out, some delicious dinner, and a good hot shower - we suited up and headed to my broser's apartment to celebrate Andrea's birthday. While Andrea and I comiserated about our current employers, Paul watched some football, and Jess and Shelly enjoyed some libations.

We then headed out to The Harp. A good time was had by all. The music was fabulous, the dancing was hot, and the sea of button down shirts was blinding. Dancing for two and a half hours straight was perhaps the best stress relief I've come across since the Monday Night Disaster. I felt more like my old self on that dancefloor, and more confident and comfortable in my own skin than I had all week.

My mission for the night was accomplished and I was able to go home thinking "I'll be okay" and I will be. I have done single life for so long, I just need to get back into the swing of it - I will learn to enjoy it too. Paul's money is on six weeks before I really enjoy being single, maybe four if I am lucky. Either way, I'll be fine!

After four months, I finally got to see Cindy's apartment, which is awesome! We had some great pasta and salad. So good! It was nice to see someone else's walls, instead of staring at mine for another day.

This week should be great. Trying to reconnect with old friends, get some more pounds off this frame, and attending a housewarming party.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Silent Bob Says:

"You know, there's a million fine-looking women in the world, dude... but they don't all bring you lasagna at work. Most of them just cheat on you."

It's alright, have a good time, 'cause it's alright

"I've never forgotten for long at a time that living is struggle. I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for" -Thorton Wilder The Skin of Our Teeth.


Last night we celebrated Shelly's birthday! After a fairly exhausting workout, we all managed to get over to the Burren. A good showing was made... paul, myself, jess, mark, chad, kendra, and zach all made it out to show Shelly how we do things. A little sad that the usual band wasn't there and the replacement band made Paul go deaf and then was so loud that we had to evaucate the 'back room.'

Tomorrow I am going to my brother's girlfriend's birthday party. That should be fun. I think it's going to be mostly wine and cheese. That means that I'll eat and drink beforehand. I do have a 40 minute workout tomorrow though, so I might cheat and have some full fat cheese. We'll see.

Things I am looking forward to:
Mexican food
Birthday party
Going Out
Seeing Eddie from Ohio (i know, that's in november, but i heart them)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

And so it goes...

Today is Shelly's Birthday! Yay Birthday!! So where else would we go to celebrate? A lil Swinging Johnsons action at the Burren! Yippie! I think that some ass shaking is exactly what I need after the week I've been having. I am hoping the crew will come out in full force to show Shelly what birthdays at the 729 household are like!

Yesterday shaped up to be a decent day. Weight Watchers was good... a decent sized loss put a smile on my face, and an upbeat meeting from my leader helped me get through... the gym was tough but solid - running for 22 minutes at 6.3 miles per hour followed by 18 minutes on the new eliptical...thought i was going to die - felt GREAT! On the way home from the gym I found a September combo pass, which I would have returned without thinking if the person had put any contact info on it... oh well... it's mine now.

Can't wait for the weekend! :)

Good Bad Funny Report

Good: beautiful day, making dinner, cuddling with Yassine
Bad: tre sneezy
Funny: Yassine asking a woman in Shaws where Chives are and them being right in front of him :) and "intestines in hands!"

Good: Running, couching, beautiful warm day
Bad: a billion degrees at work, staying up too late
Funny: me wearing the keglove insulator icepack as a shawl to stay cool at work

Good: romantic walk along the Charles with Yassine.
Bad: sore feet from said romantic walk
Funny: getting andrea sucked into kvetch.

Good: great run at the gym, left over baked ziti!
Bad: Bruins lose, staying up too late
Funny: 'by gum'

Good: getting my nails done, making dinner, relaxing, running a 5k on the treadmill, hanging out with Aaron, late dinner with Yassine, staying in bed, Mile Away Birthday Lunch for Mom with the family, great weekend for Boston sports!
Bad: icky scratchy throat
Funny: my mom being buzzed after lunch, and us all telling embarrassing stories over our meal :)

4.17.2008 -
Good: icecream and dinner date with Yassine
Bad: Overcooking the fish
Funny: The Office

4.16.2008 -
Good: run, relaxing, steve visiting to watch the most awkward episode of the Office.
Bad: snobbish comments about my special day
Funny: card from Toni :)

2.21.08 -
Good: Emily and Ben coming for dinner at Not Your Average Joe's in Arlington with me and Yassine
Bad: serious back pain
Funny: Yassine

10.4.2007 -
Good: hour with my trainer, qt with aaron, watching the office, qt with Yassine
Bad: friends who are instigators, waiting for the bus for 40 minutes
Funny: Jarad leaving me a 6204 voicemail

Good: Meeting David's new baby, fat club, gym, knitting, sleeping
Bad: wicked slow T
Funny: "it's a blanket for you boob" - Natalie on the current size of the baby blanket I am knitting

Good: Evening of Jazz with Elena, Seth and Yassine, Providence for Pilobolous, 5k with Joe (finishing in 34 minutes, not coming in last!), The Office with Steve, Lunch/Dinner with Yassine, Mom and Dad got new kittens, sleepy time.
Bad: oops dehydrated
Funny: Yassine always says funny stuff, i have to start writing it down instead of laughing at it!

Good: Surprise party for Aaron and Dave!! Yassine giving me his branded photo, day off to go to the DeCordova (Surprise for Yassine), beautiful day in the park, nice picnic, sharing fairy tales, Good training session, Babel (finally).
Bad: speaking without thinking (sorry baby)
Funny: "bye pig" / cat in the bag

Good: trainer, baking, conway park with Yassine
Bad: major eff-up at work
Funny: "i'm going to make you do the face" - re: wedding vows / cat jazz hands toni sent me

Good: easy day at work, choir rehearsal
Bad: not seeing my baby
Funny: Sopranos, you sound like a strangled turkey/that lusty 6/8 - new choir director

Good: relaxing after work, qt with Yassine, seeing my trainer, special trip to downtown, dinner with Jess, 2nd dinner with Yassine at Kaya, out at the Phoenix with Yassine, Aaron, Mel, and Morgen, sleeping in, Rock and Roll Circus at the Zero Arrow with Becka and Nichole.
Bad: So sleepy/spotty
Funny: girl with wrinkly elephant skin looking toes on the T

Good: Leaving work early, running into Yassine's friend in downtown and therefore seeing Yassine, good sweaty workout at the gym, choir with elena, stoop talks, sleep over
Bad: waiting 30 minutes for the bus
Funny: new choir director, robot boy at work (I'm so awkward)

9.13.2007-9.16.2007 -
Good: Personal Trainer, quality time with aaron and maggie, Movie date with the boy, quality time with Becka, Dinner at Bengal Cafe, Phoenix Landing, sleeping in, quality time with Elena: Lunch at Grendels and seeing Nanny Diaries, Quality time with Aaron and Dave at Spirit, talking on the stoop until I couldn't feel my fingers
Bad: Across the Universe
Funny: Dave in a yelling match with a Steelers fan and routing for the Browns even though they weren't playing.

9.12.2007 -
Good: Weight Watchers (losing 1.2 pounds while being on vacation - apparently I should eat nothing but bacon, eggs, scones, toast, lamb, and dessert. neat!), Talking to Khabab, shopping for treats for The Boy.
Bad: sore back
Funny: seeing the girl who looks petrified when she does the crossword puzzle (again)

9.11.2007 -
Good: staying on program/First session with personal trainer/CD Yassine made me
Bad: too much rain
Funny: Doing Yassine's homework / Chris: so my dad's coming to visit (after his dad was already there)

Good: Dinner with Yassine at Tangerinos/Block Island with Yassine, Mell, and Aaron, gym, making guacamole
Bad: ?
Funny: Yassine :)

Good: Weekend at the parents/father daughter day/japanese steak house/ice cream/spending time with some hottie
Bad: sore back
Funny: my dad explaining to me how it's easy for him to know how old he is.

Good: Visiting Emily/Ben, seeing Kenny and Cindy, Relaxing, Working out, PL, meeting a new boy, dating, crepes with jess, seeing zach at the gym
Bad: Having to say goodbye to someone I love
Funny: Sal as Rainbow Bright

Good: relaxing and seeing a movie
Bad: still not feeling 100%
Funny: Preview for the boop movie (again)

Good: dinner with Becka, Family BBQ in NH, Celebrating Cindy's 25th
Bad: Feeling like poo on sunday
Funny: "this tastes like fruit loops" - me and my lil cousin separately regarding orange brownies
also: Cindy not noticing the guy buying her a drink only had one arm

Good: gym, relaxing
Bad: humidity
Funny: "I only know how to make a crane" - Eric on his oragmi skills

Good: Great gym, seeing my baby
Bad: small gain at the scale
Funny: threatening to ninja slava, and slava calling CA and saying "hello, is this Kah?" and hanging up when the girl said no.

Good: work, date with Aaron,
Bad: where's squishy?
Funny: Reno 911 The Movie... bad funny, but funny.

Good: healthy diet day, rent didn't go up too much, gym
Bad: sleepy
Funny: trying to knit a blanket

Good: Chillin' with Danny at Spirit, Hairspray with Steve, Six Flags with Steve, Chris, Dave, Zach, and Becka, kissy-face
Bad: six flags being 'out of salad' and having to eat fatty mcfat face food
Funny: Us trying to remember what Dave had said last year that was so funny when we went on Superman - it was "I can't see" / Lost Limb retreival fee

Good: Phoenix Landing with Becka, Chris, and Jen
Bad: Not seeing my favorite
Funny: "no one made me touch their penis!" - me on the men at phoenix landing

GBF 7.17-7.19.2007
Good: Dinner with Aaron at Not your Average Joes, Great workout, ICA with the girls
Bad: wanting to sleep all the time
Funny: "I feel really off balance being in here" - Becka re: ICA after I told her it was a cantilever

GBF 7.16.07
Good: Gym / finding out that Carly had her baby
Bad: bored at work / broken back

Slava: I think Jason's dead. He answered his phone this morning, but now he's not
Megan: Yup, he must be dead then.

GBF 7.14&15.07
Good: Duck tour and trumpet/drum guys on newbury street, brunch with James, Dinner with Cindy, new store in Porter sells yarn, for cheap! Gym
Bad: feeling ill
Funny: duck tour driver, Cindy and her life plan

GBF 7.13.07
Good: Leaving work for an hour to play, gym, dinner with Joe and BJ, icecream, tv and couching Bad: spilling salad dressing on myself
Funny: starring contest with slava when i had to matrix myself to win

GBF 7.12.07
Good: training for a 5k
Bad: no second date because i am too self confident
Funny: me explaining the triple cripple collision to natalie

GBF 7.11.07
Good: making dinner with Joe and catching up on Big Love
Bad: uneasy feeling at work
Funny: "Megan, this is fun" - Joe trying to be sincere about making dinner with me


wheelchair lady crashing into a blind lady and a voicebox lady having to yell "look out" in her robot voice. no, seriously.

GBF 7.10.07
Good: busy at work, Spirit with Steve!
Bad: sad and ignored
Funny: "did he just say interpolate?" - Me re: our CEO.

GBF 7.9.07
Good: Gym, planning fun things, seeing Steve!!
Bad: tard face
Funny: "He always uses these phrases that don't have any real meaning" - Steve "I know, he just starts saying 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' or 'who is the pot calling the kettle black?' What does that even mean" - Megan

GBF 7.8.07
Good: Brunch with Becka, Morgen, Nichole, and Maggie. Relaxing for the remainder
Bad: eating like a piggy
Funny: Megan: Look, a wee ninja! Natalie: a Wii Ninja? Megan: W-e-e like midgie, not W-i-i.

GBF 7.7.07
Good: mini golf with Becka, Dave, Nichole, and Mike, visiting my parents, and going dancing with Becka!
Bad: heart broken and completely devastated
Funny: "are you giving him odds?" - chris, "70, 30 that he won't show" - me

GBF 7.6.07
Good: icecream with Natalie, and Knocked Up with Chris, Natalie, and Joe
Bad: water still tastes like rubber
Funny: The preview for the 'boop' movie

GBF 7.5.07
Good: Very good day at work
Bad: leaving things unfinished
Funny: Joe: just did your nails = trying not to type doesn't it?

GBF 7.4.07
Good: bbq with the fam, playing my piano, relaxing
Bad: not enough time with mom and dad
Funny: my dad dropping one of the burgers into the coals

GBF 7.3.07
Good: Going out for Becka's bday with Elena, Seth, Nichole, Aaron, and Mary-Ellen
Bad: T being broken, Dave smashing his face and having to go to MGH, and the over-priced restaurant
Funny: going to Uno's because Spirit was closed and seeing Danny and George there

GBF 7.2.07
Good: dinner with dave and gail, driving a pick-up for the first time, some qt with the roommies.
Bad: being chastised for making a call that I was told to make
Funny: Slava asking if Jason was dead because the website was down.

GBF 7.1.07
Good: Brunch with James, and the good company of steve and rebbie
Bad: Ratatouille
Funny: The thought of Rebbie getting hair extensions

GBF 6.30.07
Good: 4 mile walk, running into melvin, snacks with matt and andrea, catching up with katie-kates, seeing aaron for a moment
Bad: too many snacks
Funny: "is he a g-thug homie?" - my brother

GBF 6.29.2007
Good: pizza in belmont, beers in waltham, icecream!
Bad: guilt
Funny: almost texting toni: "i took a pic of your slave, will send soon." damn predictive text.

GBF 8.23
Good: dinner with morgen and becka, new suits, chillin with the husband
Bad: the toilet breaking (again)
Funny: my client being my friend on the facebook :)

GBF 8.21
Good: busy at work, clean house, good will
Bad: not so good tacos lupita
Funny: "thanks for coming to my birthday party" - my dad

GBF 8.17-8.20
Good: Manager's outting/RF O'Sullivans with Dave/Invader Zim/Waking up warm/Coogans/ Groton with the fam for Dad's bday
Bad: sore back = no gym
Funny: the mental people in the diner with me and Dave talking about Ancient Rome/the pope/ Russia/and other crazy things... all the midgies who were out on Saturday night/ Christian

GBF 8.16
Good: Gym, Deviled eggs, Nichole and Morgen, Project Runway
Bad: Utterly exhausted at work
Funny: Arbor Day :)

GBF 8.15
Good: Christian moved in!
Bad: long week
Funny: Christian and Morgen

GBF 8.14:
Good: dinner with Adam / Morgen's back
Bad: empty apartment/boy being mia
Funny: Shelly jogging down the street to find me

GBF 8.13
Good: waking up warm, couching
Bad: having to work/saying goodbye to Paul
Funny: Peanutbutter Jelly Time on Family Guy :)

GBF 5.12-18 - sorry i've become a bad updater
Good: movie with becka, hot "date" with Brian, Hi8us at the middle east, mommy's day at home with the fam, comp day!, dress rehearsal for choir, Spirit with Aaron and Dave and Becka (dave's last day of freedom) - the juke box at the bar, the bartender loving my musical selections, dinner at Orleans with Paul, out with Becka and Aaron.
Bad: --
Funny: Tau Episol Five

GBF 5.9-5.11
Good: choir with the crew, doug slapping my butt, mental health day, dinner with becka, sox win2 of 3
Bad: paul with the flu, wicked anxiety, rain
Funny: becka setting the countdown

GBF 5.3-5.8
Good: the burren, frisbee, jillians, jp licks, gym, bike ride, sox with aaron, lizard lounge with Paul for open mic
Bad: my boss posting my performance evaluation to the shared drive, being completely frustrated with the boy, my feet still hurting like a mo-fo
Funny: "what's whiffle ball" / "wait, you're mexican?"

GBF 5.2
Good: Choir
Bad: Cindy is going away sooner than I thought
Funny: "he doesn't look like he's very cuddly" - Doug on the boy

GBF 5.1
Good: busy at work / food shopping / gym hardcore / sleepy land
Bad: cold
Funny: Seven Signs Your Boss is Useless:
1. His name is SG
2. see number 1
3. see number 1
4. see number 1
5. see number 1
5. see number 1
7. see number 1

GBF 4.28-30
Good: Burgers with Paul / Temple Bar with Aaron, Adam, Paul & Zoltan / Home to see Momma and Brie / Uno's and shoe shopping / Gym / Enjoying the weather / Redbones
Bad: eating like a piggie
Funny: "we're never going anywhere else in Davis are we?" me to the boy while at Redbones

GBF 4.27
Good: beautiful day for sales calls /gym/ boondock saints with Aaron and Cindy / seeing my boy
Bad: both my roommates missing in action
Funny: cindy and aaron :)

GBF 4.25 & 26
Good: Enjoyable sales calls with my clients / escaping the dinner and getting dessert
Bad: lack of sleep / lack of boy / lack of dessert buffet
Funny: "then she said "f this" - well I don't know if that's really what she said, but I am guessing it's fairly accurate" /

GBF 4.21-24
Good: qt in cleveland circle /beautiful thank you gift / gym / burritos / eternal sunshine of the spotless mind / Wicked with Momma / gym / qt with aaron
Bad: empty handed after 45 minutes in newbury comics
Funny: "that's right, we're trying to get to Bora Bora" - bf to Aaron on paying me for my services

GBF 4.20
Good: waking up warm / QT with my favorite
Bad: 8 hours at the hospital
Funny: "posey?"

GBF 4.19
Good: gym / couching / sox win / cambridge common / fire dancing on the street / impromptu stoop party
Bad: work / weird guy at the bar who wanted to talk to me
Funny: "okay, we need to come up with code for when you need to hurry because there's a weird guy talking to me" - me to the boy

GBF 4.18
Good: choir fun / walk home with zach
Bad: 8:30 am ass reaming
Funny: "I read your blog, spill it" - Jess

GBF 4.17
Good: gym & couching with Paul
Bad: bad day at work
Funny: "the correct term is afro-american-diseac" - two and a half men

GBF 4.14-4.16
Good: dinner at Out of The Blue with Momma, Dad, Matt & Andrea / new clothes and new bra /Watching some hottie fire dance / Redbones / Some Day Cafe.
Bad: snoring
Funny: me not realizing why i wanted chocolate / "if he [jesus] sets it up for you, you can't deny it" - Pedde on me getting laid on Easter

GBF 4.13:
Good: waking up warm / going to sleep early / narrowing the search
Bad: not seeing paul for days
Funny: "you say tomato, I say tomato"

GBF 4.12:
Good: good gym / running into Elana on the T /seeing the boy's pad / meeting the chad /
Bad: lower back pain
Funny: girls in the office discussing circumsized vs uncircumsized boy parts

GBF 4.11
Good: waking up warm / choir
Bad: sleepy
Funny: not understanding how my new phone works

GBF 4.7-4.10
Good: bowling (finally) with Cindy, Becka, Aaron, Dave, Chef, Tim, Steve, & Cindy / Playing some much needed Air Hockey and pinball / Surprise Shower for Jessica!! Good grub / Playing Co-Moh / Early gym / Cambridge Common and walking tour of the 'ville with a certain hottie / Seeing my Momma/ picking up my dress / getting a new phone/getting flowers from the aforementioned hottie.
Bad: Tossing and turning Saturday night for hours
Funny: "Did I win even one game?" "maybe one"- my sad air hockey skills.

GBF 4.6
Good: great cardio / Frankie playing our song / talking to some boys
Bad: still no friday yet
Funny: Madame Chew Toy

GBF 4.5
Good: Great cardio session
Bad: exhausted
Funny: my bday card to jarad: 'I was an Asian baby'

GBF 4.4
Good: choir
Bad: not wanting to get out of bed
Funny: "i think the reason I don't really know this song is because I was in 7th grade mode when we learned it" / "can you open this? I don't think you're looking at what I am asking you to open"

GBF 4.3
Good: clean apartment / food shopping / gym
Bad: all alone in the apartment for the night
Funny: "this place is transformed" - Dave after he saw Luis' handiwork

GBF 3.31-4.2
Good: Party @ 729 / Hot date / Jersey Girl
Bad: Hardly remembering the party at 729
Funny: retelling the story of my client

GBF 3.30
Good: Manager's Outting / Aaron
Bad: no gym
Funny: "that's like a whole different v-card" - Aaron

GBF 3.28 & 29
Good: Choir / Gym / sleepy
Bad: still frustrated
Funny: loving in the morning loving in the evening :)

GBF 3.27
Good: Successfully wooing my first client!! Gym
Bad: Frustration
Funny: The New Adventures of the Old Christine

GBF 3.24-26
Good: roomdate with Paul/ Johnny D's with Cindy, Becka, Mikey-mikes, and Brian/ fantastic cardio workout/ Tequilia Rain with Paul, Becka and Rich/dancing!/Brunch with Brie / couching
Bad: Charlie's Kitchen
Funny: Jedi Mind Tricks / Paul making an airplane /

GBF 3.23
Good: Cardio / Couching with Aaron and watching The Weatherman/ sleeping
Bad: the perks of being a wallflower
Funny: Michael Cain saying "camel toe"

GBF 3.21 & 3.22
Good: choir / WW / Legal's with the fam
Bad: mouse in a wheel am I
Funny: Brian wanting me to kill his roommate's cat

GBF 3.20
Good: great food day / gym
Bad: gmail being down all day
Funny: Paul building a castle out of fake legos / getting an army man

GBF 3.17-19
Good: relaxing and staying in on St. Patrick's Day / Bus to CT / Christmas presents / Amazing.net / Girlscout cookie icecream / nap / Hitch / Monkey- Face / Seeing Toni - love that girl
Bad: royal pig out / oops, nap
Funny: quacking alarm / amazing / i like rain

GBF 3.16
Good: off day from the gym/ Spirit with Cindy /
Bad: Syracuse loss in the first round
Funny: Shelly spending 3 hours at the gym

GBF 3.15
Good: QT with Dave and Shelly, Aaron and Paul / Gym - not giving up
Bad: tired of WW
Funny: Drawn Together

GBF 3.14
Good: All Amadeus All the Time / Post game at the Burren for Birthday wishes to Zach / Seeing Kendra!
Bad: big waste of 2nd half of choir
Funny: doing another gay crossword puzzle/ sky sharks / a great big sea

GBF 3.13
Good: busy at work / good run at the gym / QT with the roommates
Bad: brooks only having one working register
Funny: Overrated?!

GBF 3.9-3.12
Good: Long weekend with my boys / The Burren / The Harp / Spirit / Syracuse Wins!
Bad: sunburn in march!
Funny: "sunchip, sunchip, sunchip" / being at an address of 6204 / "okay goodbye" / Cucumbers / "stairs, my worst nightmare" "i love stairs"

GBF 3.8
Good: gym / sleep over in Rozi
Bad: being negative 30 one night in April
Funny: teaching Marash about MJWSOM

GBF 3.7
Good: Choir
Bad: my boss being a 'tard
Funny: me and jess doing the 'gay' crossword puzzle during choir

GBF 3.6
Good: mmm indian food / gym
Bad: bad food day
Funny: a bull humping a midget / cash cab / Dave doing yoga with Shelly

GBF 3.3-3.5
Good: Vacating work early / Great gym / Pre-game / ICL @ Felt - Amazing Race style / Dancing with some homies / Post game / Couching / Ned Devine's with Brian / waking up warm / Breakfast on the house Commander Style / Bed @ 6pm
Bad: too exhausted for the gym/ Paul being sick
Funny: "i am about ready to be taken advantage of" - Paul / "it's okay, i think i won" - Brian

GBF 3.2
Good: Indian food / Walk the Line with Beck and Paul / making plans with Brian
Bad: didn't go to the gym
Funny: vanessa using the word "junk"

GBF 3.1
Good: WW / Gym / birthday "party" for Paul
Bad: no call
Funny: "if you don't have pride, what are you? you're a loser" - Joe G - Sheraton Brand Leader

GBF 2.28
Good: dinner/drinks with Trevor
Bad: no call from Brian
Funny: subzero tour of Boston with Trevor

GBF 2.27:
Good: Call from Trevor, light cardio, early to bed
Bad: Exhausted
Funny: "i am always in the GBF, you can't go a day without hearing me say something ridiculous" - Paul

GBF 2.24-2.26
Good: pot roast with mom and dad, sleeping, hardcore cardio session, indian food with Paul and Becka, Phoenix Landing (meeting some hottie), Tealux with Julie, couching wth Aaron and Paul, bedtime at 7:30 pm
Bad: aaron in a car accident, missing Grey's
Funny: Paul doing the "footloose" dance

GBF 2.23
Good: 1st date with Spanish Speaking Guy
Bad: too exhausted to go to the gym
Funny: me on a date with spanish speaking guy

GBF 2.22
Good: weight watchers / Gym / Couch time with Aaron / Sleep!
Bad: being in my apartment for like 45 seconds
Funny: "clear as a whistle" - Doug when I told him I didn't want to speak to him any more. Um... that's not even a phrase Doug.

GBF 2.16-2.21
Good: Champagne / Wine / Spicy Chicken Curry Rice thing by Chef McCauleyflower / The girl on girl action with the fake tat / The Burren with Aaron, Dave, Shelly, Paul, Dan, Al, Pete, Zach, Jess / Late night with some hottie / Gym / Fridays with Kenny and Jarad in NYC! / seeing Geoff, Rob, Jared, Christina, Tom & Lisa... eating in Little Italy at Lunella's in shifts / Great time seeing The Specs and Zox! / gym action / olympics with my favorite pillow and blanket/ being busy all day at work! / Choir
Bad: 6 hour bus ride to NYC
Funny: the fake tat / the non miller lite at fridays / "to drink?" - Server "miller lite" - Jarad "no, we have bud, budlight, harpoon, miller, miller lite" - Server "Miller lite" - Jarad.

GBF 2.15
Good: weight watchers / gym / dinner
Bad: oops, too much delicious food at lunch
Funny: "who here has kids?" my WW leader "no one has kids?"
"i think we need to go back to romantic celebrations" - Me

GBF 2.14
Good: roses from my spanish speaking boyfriend / call from natalio / card from mom & dad / valentine from Jess / Choir / "heart shaped pancakes" in the form of alcohol from Zach / Couch potato with Aaron.
Bad: Dear Bag-A-Douche, don't go thinking for yourself there. Fist Pound, no love, me.
Funny: vacating choir early, spirit, me and jess being 12, Commader Yeti Card from my Husband.

GBF 2.13
Good: new job / talking to Jay / great gym / couching with Aaron
Bad: my desk covered in piles of stuff
Funny: "i don't like things that ride monorails" / dear bronx science, although we are unable to house your students over Harvard Debate weekend, we have come across alternative accommodations for you /

GBF 2.10-2.12
Good: new sweater / Joshua Tree with Becka, Paul, & Cindy / Outstanding workout / bday gift for Broser/ a lot accomplished / Home for bday dinner / couching all day / Talking to Kenny and Jarad
Bad: no call, no show
Funny: my mom having 'yamo be there' on CD / Avis commercial with the old peeps in the hummer / "now let's pretend that you're a guy - which are you are, so that part will be easy, and you are a cycling enthusiast, no not "enthusiast" more a cylcing lunatic, and it is your birthday and your sister was going to get you a gift, what would you pick? It's a bit of a role-play if you're up for it" - me to the guy at city sports

GBF 2.9
Good: Visiting my homie / fantastic workout / QT with Shell Dawg
Bad: still exhuasted
Funny: "no love, fist pound, me"

GBF 2.8
Good: going to WW / Great workout / Talking to Momma
Bad: "where does the time go Wednesday"
Funny: I don't like things with reindeer jumpers" - n.torious

GBF 2.7
Good: Spanish speaking boyfriend /choir / couching
Bad: BAD trying to be friends with me
Funny: "did i mention he's hot" - me / "the rules are this: I don't want to be friends" - me / "i like when you touch my thigh" - me to zach / telling my enward about my spanish speaking boyfriend... oh pato

GBF 2.6
Good: talking to momma / gym
Bad: possibly needing a gum graft
i don't like dogs
i don't like cats
i don't like things with fur
i don't like things that mark their territory
i don't like things with fur that mark their territory
i don't like things that bark
i don't like things that scratch
i don't like things that "leave presents"
I don't like furry things that bark or scratch
I don't like furry things that bark while marking their territory
I don't like things i have to feed
i don't like things that require me to walk them
i don't like things that shed
i don't like things that shed while I am walking them
I don't like things that shed while marking their territory
I don't like furry things that i have to feed
I don't like things I have to pet
I don't like things that "leave presents" while i am petting them

GBF 2.3-2.5
Good: Addis Red Sea for Davey's birthday / Jillians / late night with the neighbors / Gym / Couch / Staying-in / Dave and Natalio (double date) / Superbowl Sunday with Paul, Shelly, Paula, Dan, Ted, Aaron, & Dave.
Bad: eating like a fatty
Funny: "you know, the goats with legs" - Shelly / "How long can people talk about roads?" - Dave / "dear sirs, never wake me up in the morning. no love, me" / "That could have been awkward" - Dave after he found out I was naked. "was that a point in the lease you had to negotiate?" - Dave on the NO BIKES clause in our lease :)

GBF 2.2
Good: The tile guy /Fire & Ice / Hoffa's for the Sheraton Commander Party / Aaron being my back-up date (thank you seriously!) / Paul trying to be my back up date (love you!) / Watching the associates have a great time
Bad: Dan bailing on me (he's fired by the way)
Funny: "damn, i wish i wasn't married" - Tile Guy on how good I looked / "Hi, good to see you again" - Aaron introducing himself to people / aaron propensity toward the ladies

GBF 2.1
Good: Natalio / Weight watches / Gym
Bad: Snapping at Paul
Funny: Dave: Maybe I could have sex in Kevin's bed.

GBF 1.31
Good: choir / qt with shelly
Bad: my boss / gross sidewalks
Funny: me whispering: sorry paul. Paul: I can hear you. /
Notation I wrote in my music: faster than you think
Notation Jess wrote: just like jess

GBF 1.30
Good: gym / dinner / couch / talking to Tom!
Bad: my boss being an jackhole
Funny: me breaking the only working elevator in the entire hotel and the tile guy having to save me / my heel cap falling off and the tile guy glueing it back on / The new intern's name is Cat / Aaron and Paul.

GBF 1.27-29
Good: chilling at the valet / Aaron picking me up / Burgers / Gym / Adventures with Dave /Adam / Aaron making dinner / Caonlis / Out and about with Dave, Zoltan, Adam, KerriAnne, Paul, & Natalio / Gym / Cindy's for dinner
Bad: nearly asleep at work on Friday / sad shelly / Aaron driving home
Funny: The Steve Jobs Business Model / Carwash Amusement Park Ride / "i'm gonna get that bitch's number no matter what... awww, shit she's with her mom and her fucking sister" - 10 year old homie at Cambridge Side. / We could get a Teenwolf pinata /

GBF 1.26
Good: work / Iron Chef with Dave, Aaron, Rich, Becka, Cindy, Shelly, and Paul / Dancing up a storm!
Bad: way cold, legs way sore
Funny: "you come out here and bother my guys, they are making money every week you know" - One of the flooring guys "I guess they'll just have to buy me dinner then" - Me

"who came up with teen wolf?" - Cindy or Beckah

"I don't want to bang him, I just want to buy him a cookie" - Becka on Iron Chef Louie

"Shelly just said she wanted to see two guys dance, and i was like "i'm out" - Dave

It's a dance off! / It's like 'dancing with the stars

So wait, who did you hook up with?

GBF 1.25
Good: Weight watchers / Gym/ talking to kenny
Bad: crowded gym / my boss being a DB
Funny: Jarad calling and singing me the Jay and Silent Bob song on my voicemail.

GBF 1.24
Good: choir (all mozart all the time)
Bad: cramps
Funny: Jess: you're dirty... that's why we're friends / Zach: maybe at the gym? I'll whistle at you again and scare the other girls

GBF 1.23
Good: soup at lunch / gym
Bad: wet foot
Funny: playing Anne Harrington

GBF 1.20-22
Good: Gym / errands / Party at Megan G's with Brie, Dave, and Shelly / New friend / couching /football with Cindy and Dave
Bad: never ending hunger
Funny: Dave & Brie... Mark telling his "google/IBM story" / Olga mastering the microwave / "Libras are the sign most likely to be cross-dressers" me "oh, i have a story about that" - new friend aaron.

GBF 1.19
Good: gym / houstons / purple shammy with dave
Bad: not captain awkward, but not my prince charming
Funny: Three Virgins in the Brotherhood of the Moose / Coats made of people / "If I paid three dollars to get into a bar and they play my parents' wedding song, I think I should get my three dollars back." - Me

GBF 1.18
Good: inspiring weight watchers meeting / good phone call / clean apartment / early to bed
Bad: no more music at work... no more food at my desk
Funny: "I am going to change my last name to Boldpato" - me "g'night psycho" - melissa

GBF 1.17
Good: choir
Bad: PMS
Funny: "I won my bet tonight!" - Paul "how much did you win?" - Megan "five dollars" - Paul

GBF 1.12-16
Good: gym / Vinny and Kevin / Dinner with Shelly's friends / The Harp / Afterhours at 729 / football / Sunny's / E&C / Gypsy Bar / Couching / Home and shopping with Momma / Chinese with momma and dad
Bad: freezing cold pouring rain / Captain Awkward
Funny: Shelly with the fist pound / Know how I know you're gay? / Shelly and Kevin squared / Dan: there's a story? Megan: oh, there's always a story!

GBF 1.12
Good: Seeing the love of my life / Gym / cooking / early to bed
Bad: lil sleepy
Funny: http://www.qsleeper.com/

GBF 1.11
Good: WW / Dave's new place / couching / Project Runway
Bad: so sleepy
Funny: Warning Joe about possibly getting bird flu.

GBF 1.10
Good: kicking ass at the gym / Indian food with Zach / Couching
Bad: 547 people in line for cardio machines
Funny: finding out where the cute guy lives / Zach

GBF 1.9
Good: kicking it at the gym / running an event / couching / food shopping
Bad: tender throat
Funny: "there's almost enough in the swear jar for a rubber" me

GBF 1.6-8
Good: drinks at Bar 10, dinner at Joes, Jose Mcs, abbey lounge (QT with jess), Harper's Ferry, couching, football, working ipod
Bad: having to end a really good thing
Funny: megan: what are you laughing at? paul: capital one commercial. megan: the one where the guy gets hit in the head with the drawer? paul: yes! / Jess: What do you want to drink? Megan (inaudibly): he'll have a blue moon Doug: blue moon (some things don't change).

GBF 1.5
Good: quick gym / pre-game with Dave and Cindy / 40 Year old Virgin (again) / The Burren with my favorites
Bad: at work too long / no almonds at the store
Funny: "i don't want to cram my pimpage" - 40 year old virgin / The cover band at the burren playing Paul Simon's Call me Al / Dave bailing on work today :)

GBF 1.4
Good: weight watchers / tacos lupita
Bad: project runway elimination
Funny: Me: you want to come over? Dave: yeah, what are you doing? Me: watching football. Dave: never mind. / "i'll make our reservations under Mr. & Mrs. McNamara." - Dan

GBF 1.3
Good: Gym / Xmas Presents / early to bed
Bad: crowded gym
Funny: "you got me breakfast cereal!" - me on shelly's gift

GBF 1.2
Good: Paul's home/ xmas presents / football / cindy / indian food/ early to bed
Bad: avoided the gym to avoid all the new year's babies
Funny: vibrating snowman commercial

GBF 12.28-1.1
Good: sleeping in / gym / buying a dress / picking new frames / xmas shopping done (yeah shut-it) / dinner with Dan / my husband in town / Elephant and Castle with Dan, Christian, and Sunny / Rosebud for breakfast / Three trips to eastie in three days.
Bad: Missing Tom on NYE / The people who sang "Mrs. Robinson" at Karaoke
Funny: The voicemail Jarad left me /

GBF 12.28
Good: Gym / Couch
Bad: didn't go food shopping / my boss being a douche
Funny: C$

GBF 12.27
Good: making plans for Thurs / Talking to my brie/ Dan making me feel better / Shelly's home
Bad: still on the advil
Funny: Take the Money and Run / Southpark

GBF 12.23-26
Good: seeing Dave for the first time in ages / pizza with Brie, Dave, and Joe / GDRHS Class of 2000 5 Year Reunion / Spending time with the family / Everyone liking their presents / Bliss Spa Products / Santa bringing me and Christian the same present / talking to Jarad / Finishing the Hat... i mean scarf. / Mahi Mahi and then Filet Mignon - awesome! / Chillaxing / QT with Cindy
Bad: getting the flu / no call / ways people had changed
Funny: Dave/Brie/The Reunion/ "guys, wait for me" - my dad on me lugging my desktop replacement through China a number of years ago

GBF 12.22
Good: cleaning the apartment / waffles for dinner / early to bed
Bad: too tired for the gym
Funny: Toni having a twin dumb girl at her office

GBF 12.21
Good: Weight Watchers / Christmas present from Dan / West Side Lounge for dinner / Drawn Together
Bad: no time for gym
Funny: Drawn Together / "I heard you, I just wanted you to say it again" - Dan.

GBF 12.20
Good: Holiday Pops with Jess & Zach!!
Bad: laws of magnets still apply
Funny: "this is on my love-makin' CD" - Me regarding Santa Baby ... "this sounds like Under the Sea" - Me regarding the Pops' version of Mary's Boy Child

GBF 12.19
Good: early release from work / gym / dinner at Sauce
Bad: no kiss goodbye
Funny: "I should tell you, there's another Colin in my hotel life now" - me to Colin

GBF 12.16-18
Good: Gym / Roomdate / Gym / Knitting Factory / QT with Momma & Dad / Dress shopping / Seeing Ivana Vestri / Enchilladas / Dinner at Sunny and Dana's with Dan and Don
Bad: unable to find a gift for Andrea yet.
Funny: "Angel Blue Eyes McNamara - that's my gang name" - me.

GBF 12.15
Good: Brie Murray! / Calling Dave / Plans for Monday / Waffles
Bad: No time for the gym
Funny: Megan: Are you coming to the reunion? Dave: I don't think I was invited since I didn't graduate.

GBF 12.14
Good: mahi mahi at legals with the danster / Ansel Adams Exhibit at the MFA
Bad: Bag-a-douche calling
Funny: "well mrs. mcnamara, are you ready to go?" - Dan pretending to be Dan McNamara.

GBF 12.13
Good: vacating work early / gym / the danster
Bad: Paul being a sickie
Funny: "i hear Patti could use some clean urine for Christmas" - me on what dan should get his roommates. / "For the Yankee swap bring in some piece of junk/crap thatsomeone else might like, but you can no longer stand having around"... "You might have a tough time gift wrapping Jon" / Some gay kid I know: Please don't associate my name with the word dildo. Thanks

GBF 12.12
Good: ending ties with Doug / Burrito / QT with Jess / early to bed / Card from Brie
Bad: too late to play
Funny: "enjoy this festive holiday penguin" - Brie's Christmas card

GBF 12.9-12.11
Good: Roomdate with Paul / Gym / Sullivan's with Zoltan/ Whiskey's with old 'cuse kids and new friends / White Horse/ Dinner party
Bad: sleepy
Funny: "pussy gone bad smell" / "butt stuff" / Paul & Dan and our Cabbie

GBF 12.8
Good: couching / fro-yo / early to bed
Bad: no return call
Funny: "Are her nipples blurred out?" Paul. "Yes!" Jeff / Paul rolling the paper towels down the stairs. /

Email to Christian who attends College in Lake Placid, NY: http://www.anonymousphilanthropist.com/jots/yeti01.html
His Reply: I am very familiar with Yeti. They frequent the hotel in the winter months.

GBF 12.7
Good: Weight Watchers / Gym
Bad: Sketchy Exit made by the dude
Funny: LingLing on tv... "what do you see?" "two people who look completely different"

GBF 12.6
Good: Gym / Couch / Chicken Soup / Luis
Bad: Staying up later than I had intended
Funny: "why do I only have one sneaker" - Paul after Luis cleaned / http://www.zunta.org/blog/archives/004106.php

GBF 12.5
Good: Gym
Bad: getting the plague
Dear Luis,
You've been replaced

GBF 12.2-4
Good: roomdate / I heart Huckabees / Gym / Productive Saturday / Concert - the four amigos together, JB, DC, ZG and me/Mom&Dad,Paul, Shelly,Dan / Cambridge Common - Running into Moose, Don, and Brian / West Side Lounge - way cool clover in the guiness / Temple Bar / Breakfast Rosebud style/ couching / Dinner party in Back Bay.
Bad: leaving the bar (getting sick). / Zach as a no show / Jess & James & Doug leaving early/ Getting lung cancer.
Funny: i heart huckabees / "you know how I know you're gay" / "why didn't we come here first" - Paul on Temple Bar. / Dan buying a four pack of dreidels

GBF 12.1
Good: Tree lighting / Elephant & Castle / The Girl Next Door
Bad: Having to use basic first aid
Funny: Children Exploding / Stealing Asian Babies / "I can't come out, I have a baby now, because of prom"

GBF 11.30
Good: Weight Watchers, Gym, PB&J
Bad: feeling "off" all day /foolish games
Funny: Dancing Swedish Girl / "no lights, no scores, sorry"

GBF 11.29
Good: quick gym, choir, roommate qt
Bad: Rich breaking the shower door
Jessica: if Erik came back, we'd make him sing, not collect tickets.
Megan: He'd say, "but I don't know any of the music" and we'd say, "that's okay, neither do we."

and Paul going insane

GBF 11.28
Good: waking up warm, off day from the gym, invited to dinner, talking to Tom, Mom, and Christian
Bad: getting blown off
Funny: DGQOTD / Tom: Apparently I am walking through a Drum Corps rehearsal. Hold on/ Christian: When will you hear back from the circus tent

GBF 11.23-11.27
Good: Home for the holiday, Thanksgiving with family, finishing the scarf (to the tune of "finishing the hat"), crustless apple-pie, great wine in great packaging, out of work early friday, three great gym sessions, back on program, 7th Heaven marathon, Spanglish, Lunch & Concert with Momma, seeing the Danster
Bad: having to work on Friday
Megan: When Daddy carves the turkey he is plump and proud and perky... wait. that's wrong.


Paul: How's Dan?
Megan: Dunno, haven't talked to him since Wednesday
Paul: That's shocking... i figured you would have caved by... Thursday morning.


Dan: how is a worm going to carry something?

GBF 11.22
Good: Gym / Choir
Bad: being flat and not being able to get through a whole song.

Megan: I was thinking I might call Amy Maloof and see what she was doing
Brie: oh, okay
Megan: did you hear anything I just said
Brie: no, it was breaking up
Megan: yeah because you had no reaction to me saying I was going to call Amy Maloof
Brie: HA!

GBF 11.21
Good: talking to Momma / Gym with Zach / Cactus Club with Adam, KA, Abe, and Paul
Bad: Last night with Adam

Paul: There is only one person allowed to sing in my car
Megan: Vinnie
Paul: Vin DiMarco

GBF 11.17-11.20
Good: Applebees / L'enfant Plaza Hotel / Meeting Dan's brother and his gf / moonlight walk around DC /Washington Monument/WWII Memorial/late night apple pie / Sculpture Park / Westin Grand/ Jacu'Tub /The White House / Smithsonian Art Museum (free) /Wine that may or may not have had alcohol/ Galactic at the 930 Club
Bad: Spy Museum being closed
Funny: "front and back and back and front" / Dan ripping the emergency phone off the wall /"New Orleans, under water"/ Skymall ad where the kid explodes the groceries in point two seconds.

GBF 11.16
Good: Weight Watchers Thanksgiving Museum / Gym / Catching up with Friends
Bad: food everywhere / bill from my dr.
Funny: blog post about choir / zach / my WW leader.

GBF 11.15
Good: getting my hair did / chatting with Doug and Zach / wicked tickets came!
Bad: being completely under-rehearsed
Funny: "just sing any note in the chord" - my choir director. / our attempts to get through our entire program.

GBF 11.14
Good: Gym / Uno's with Dan
Bad: Unexpected trip to the doctor
Funny: Coloring on the Uno's placemat... Green and Blue Kozuki with her Lightening Bolt pajamas... no love, hitler.

GBF 11.11-11.13
Good: 1/2 Day at work / Road Trip with Cindy / Two rooms for the Price of One / Pita-Pit / Cindy.Flying Pedde.Sharon.Jess.Brian.Ben.Dave.Dan.Trevor.Liz.Josh.Eric / Chucks/ Faegans / Euclid/ Egg Plant / Chunky Monkey / First Ride in a "silly car" aka A Hummer / Santanglos / Wine and more wine / Library Lounge /Free Desserts from Jeffy/ HUSBAND!!
Bad: throngs of people
Funny: Christian making me laugh while leaving Stephen a voicemail and me making Christian laugh while he was leaving Danielle a voicemail / the bartender at Santangalos hitting on me / The guy from Class of 97 at Faegans saying "i haven't seen anyone i know here"

GBF 11.10
Good: waking up warm / tacos lupita / Some Day with Jess, James, Zach, Paul & Adam
Bad: sore knee
Funny: "Oh, she stole the grapes" -me "and learned a trick" -jess

GBF 11.9
Good: Weigh-in / Chinese for dinner / Cambridge Common for Drinks / "the talk" / no more EF
Bad: no sleep 'til brooklyn
Funny: "i haven't chop sticked in a long time" - me "ew" - dan / "why don't you name it "no love, me" - Dan on Vanessa's blog.

GBF 11.8
Good: travel plans solidified /gym / choir / girl's garden / the burren
Bad: adam definitely leaving.
Funny: singing on 'boing' / marash: me boot is broke me frock is tore / something about bag-a-douche...

GBF 11.7
Good: Gym / Dinner / making moves
Bad: playing houseman at work
Funny: "i know that laugh" - Paul / "why did I write "sanction" I know what a sanction is" - Paul

GBF 11.4-11.6
Good: Great news! / Trinity with Dan / Celebrating Shanna's birthday / Rosebud for breakfast / Jarhead / Walk around Boston / Cafe Italia - bottle of white / sleeping late / Bickford's / Bomb the System / Mi Pubelito / East Boston Pier
Bad: no gym
Funny: "stoner clarity" / "we're having a romantic moment, it won't last long, just stand there"

GBF 11.3
Good: Gym / couching
Bad: too tired to go out and play
Funny: "Is that on the tardblog" - Shelly after Dave read a graphic account of a blowjob.

GBF 11.2
Good: gym / cooking
Bad: so slow at work / adam moving away
Funny: "I think there's a difference between freak and freaky"

GBF 11.1
Good: fudgy frenzy with Auntie Nessa / Open Mic
Bad: making phone calls
Funny: The collection of "You've been replaced" emails

GBF 10.31
Good: gym / relax / easy dinner
Bad: dessert buffet at work
Funny: the houseman at work trying to take home 50 cookies

GBF 10.28-30
Good: Trinity with Dan, Go-Card, Eastie, Breakfast, Surprise Party, Snow, Cindy's Party, Zach's Party, Sunday movie roomdate, sleeping.
Bad: missing jess & co two nights in a row
Funny: Robots (robots doing the robot)

GBF 10.27
Good: Iron Chef with Jess and Cindy! Great 80's party/music. awesome
Bad: my "prom date" getting sick
Funny: guy with the checkered tie striking out big time / running into Ross on the stoop again

GBF 10.26
Good: WW / Dinner / Comedy Connection Benefit Fundraiser / Meeting cool new people
Bad: so slow at work
Funny: comedy show / open letter to my ex boyfriend

GBF 10.25
Good: running at 7 for 7 / choir / making a new curly haired friend/ the Burren
Bad: a no show at the burren / bag-a-douche showing up at the burren
Funny: Jess: Aren't you supposed to flush the bag-a-douche when you're done with it? / Bag-a-douche flirting with a married girl.

GBF 10.24
Good: dinner date
Bad: man voice
Funny: chinese backstreet boy lip synching video

GBF 10.21-23
Good: My husband in town!/RF O'Sullivans/Disel with C$, Jess, Kendra, and the Chad/Servathon with C$, Broser, and Andrea (along with Christy & Monica) - Scraping and Painting/Lunch/Errands with Paul/Gym
Bad: poisoned caesar salad/sketchy dude hitting on Shell-dog
Funny: Margaret Thatcher House/SARS masks/

GBF 10.20
Good: hot date / "waiting" / running into the neighbors / Dave moving to Boston
Bad: No sleep 'til brooklyn
Funny: C$ calling me 'love bug' / ethnic coloring contest at Uno's: Ling Ling, Jerry Curl, Re-re, and Pochahantus.

GBF 10.19
Good: attending my meeting, getting pumpkins, gym, late night stroll
Bad: losing control to gain control
Dear Katrina Relief Fund Updates,
no love,

GBF 10.18
Good: gym, choir, chick time, running into Shelly & Al, The Burren with james and timothy, dan not being dead
Bad: the awkwardness of seeing doug
Funny: "Al, this was a much more informative conversation than last time we chatted."

GBF 10.17
Good: relaxing, phone calls
Bad: feeling like crap and bailing on sharon
Funny: Sharon: "so yeah, I won't be seeing you tomorrow"

GBF 10.14-16
Good: Liz Phair with Cindy, Lunch with Pete, Couching with Jess, James, Kristian, and Andrew, Tacos Lupita, Tequila Rain, hoops with Shelly, phone with Toni
Bad: absence of certain people at Tequila Rain
Funny: "does my knee need a hat? no" - Paul

GBF 10.13
Good: hanging out with dan
Bad: equipment failure
Funny: reading "best of" on CL, and indian baby carriage.

GBF 10.12
Good: Shalom / Fat Club / Gym / Discussion
Bad: still grey outside / my phone not working
Funny: photos with scoots / Casey: I'll work on my vest later. Megan: Oh, you're going to beadazzle?

GBF 10.11
Good: Choir / The Burren
Bad: not enough time to chat with new people
Funny: "sounds like my weekend" - me regarding "boing boing boing"

GBF 10.10
Good: gym / relaxing / baseball
Bad: syracuse weather in boston
Funny: C$: "Excuse me, what is our assigned ghetto?"

GBF 10.7-10.9
Good: third date, camelot with momma, home cookin, baseball, gym
Bad: stormy weather
Funny: iron chef halloween theme

GBF 9.30-10.5
Good: First date / Philly / Jarad and Kenny / Uncontrollable laughter/ Vegas plans / China plans / mani pedi with Momma / baseball with Dad/ Seeing Breekers/ sleeping-in / QT with Jess / QT with Paul
Bad: not enough time with my boys
Funny: GOL!!! / "I really feel that naming yourself a derogotory word for your own people is inappropriate" (me regarding the girl named Chinky) / re-telling China stories.

GBF 9.29
Good: gym / salad
Bad: optical shop
Funny: DG lost her keys and engineering made her re-key every lock in the hotel

GBF 9.28
Good: gym / going to bed
Bad: water weight
Funny:Rich: "is that like "no thank you" meaning -no, i don't smoke pot and you should never ask me again?"

GBF 9.27
Good: pretending to be a sales manager for the day / choir rehearsal /QT with Jess / Zach making an appearance.
Bad: too sleepy to party like a rockstar
Funny: "dont go out for a chicken sandwich on those two quarter rests"- My choir instructor. / OH STAR / Calling Marash my enward :)

GBF 9.26
Good: gym / rest
Bad: PMS / face exploding
Funny: Zach: the hairdos in upstate new york were simply amazing!

GBF 9.23-25
Good: dinner with stephen, meeting "the chin", party like a rock star at Parris, awesome cabbie home, wedding dress shopping for my cousin, napping, out with BEN CLYMER, Adam, Z, KA, Jess, and Paul, awesome gym session, pizza.
Bad: Rough sunday
Funny: "I am glad you're comfortable with your ankles." - KerriAnn regarding Paul owning kapris

GBF 9.22
Good: nice cardio session / iron chef with cindy
Bad: lack of attendence at the iron chef event by my nearest and dearest
Funny: Roger at Iron Chef and the Random Older Dude / ballroom dancing and the chick with the crazy hair.

GBF 9.21
Good: WW / T ride home / couching with Adam & KA / Early to bed (finally)
Bad: sleepy
Funny: "OH SARS" a lovely combination of my collegiate life and myadult life

GBF 9.20
Good: gym / choir / chillin at the burren for a bit
Bad: calling Doug when I should have just gone to bed
Funny: Membership Guidelines: $10/year to be a member
Jess: Let's join "bag-a-douche"
Megan: I think Doug's already a member

GBF 9.19
Good: gym / fitting into a smaller size pair of jeans and wearing them with confidence / first date since the break up
Bad: super crowded gym
Funny: Megan: Lean back, you're making me nervous Todd: I can't see my truck if I lean back.

GBF 9.16-9.18
Good: housewarming with adam, KA, and Paul, Going out with Z-bot onSaturday night, The Rack with The R'Mates and some 'Cuse kids, Milton for QT with Jess
Bad: feeling like poo on Saturday afternoon / missing brie saturday night
Funny: Shelly "shopping" for a boy like he was an article of clothing

GBF 9.15
Good: meeting with my boss, couching, fro-yo, cake show on the food network, visit from jess
Bad: afterwork plans getting postponed
Funny: "OH STAR" - me singing about the giant star shaped cake

GBF 9.14
Good: weigh-in / gym / phone calls
Bad: Hours of pointless meetings
Funny: Dumb Girl: She was upstairs in the dungeon

GBF 9.13
Good: leaving work early / great gym / great choir / great talk
Bad: no zach at choir
Funny: 'bag-a-douche' music

GBF 9.12
Good: hanging out with Jay, Saturday-Night called, Nice relaxing evening.
Bad: way hotter outside than i had anticipated
Funny: "Yeah, I never really understood that category" - Jess on"before and after" on wheel of fortune.

GBF 9.9-9.11
Good: roomdate, gym, party at the brosers, the harp with Shelly, Paul, Jess and Rich (mission accomplished!! baby steps, baby steps), gym, dinner at Cindy's!
Bad: no kendra all weekend.
Funny: kid: do we have a problem? Paul: Yeah. / Me and Shelly dancing with Dave and Todd :)

GBF 9.8.2005
Good: emails from friends / gym / out for shelly's bday
Bad: caving & calling
Funny: mark's drunken 'woo' and paul saying "you look miserable. am i going to have to dance?" :)

GBF 9.7.2005
Good: WW meeting, Gym like Whoa!, talking to Momma, Finding a september combo pass on the sidewalk, endless support from the best friends (and mother) in the entire world.
Bad: still hurting
Funny: my weight watchers leader and my mom :)

GBF 9.6.2005
Good: endless support from the most wonderful friends in the world / choir
Bad: Crying until my contact lenses were blurry / having to be thestrong one / having to let go.
Funny: me still having my 'lost kid tag'

GBF 9.2-5.2005
Good: Icecream, Carlsberg on tap, Dancing, Walden Pond.
Bad: heart broken
Funny: Soy-Tergent

GBF 9.1.2005
Good: shelly moved in / 40 minutes of cardio / seeing frank and marcos/ tacos lupita

Bad: no more kitchen table

Funny: Frank: I can understand the looters taking diapers, formula, food,water... but DVD's?Megan: Maybe they're going to build rafts and float to safety? (Perhaps the visual of this scene is the actual funny part)

GBF 8.31.2005
good: dinner / frank's here!
bad: exhaustion


Dear Mike (director of sales),

You’ve been replaced.

Megan & Vanessa

GBF 8.30.2005
Good: gym / sauce / the burren / celebrating Kendra's bday / seeingthe crew / meeting Steve.
Bad: early pumpkin time
Cindy: So where did you go to school?
Steve: UConn
Cindy: Utah?
Steve: Uconn
Cindy: Epcot?

GBF 8.29.2005
Good: 3 mile run / delicious dinner
Bad: restless sleep
Funny: Megan: you know how i know you're gay? Paul: because i want to watch the hottest 20 men show? Megan: yup

GBF 8.26-8.28.2005
Good: Gym / 21 grams / China Fair / Beantown Pub / 40 Year Old Virgin/ Cactus Club / Couching / Marinos / Entourage / The Burren

Bad: Blockbuster not letting Paul rent

Funny: Paul and Adam losing a drinking bet / Paul almost beating up anold guy on rollerblades / Adam's friends from Avon / Singing HappyBirthday - getting cake in return, MVP chant, shots with a stranger.

GBF 8.25.2005
Good: date night with doug / seeing The Last Five Years

Bad: No time for the gym

Funny: Our T conductor rapping, "I see black people" - Doug

GBF 8.24.2005
Good: weight watchers, down time, looking sexy, dinner with doug, jess, & kendra

Bad: work still slow

Funny: Ro blaming Doug for the binging / the "smutty" details of jess'second date

GBF 8.23.2005
Good: meeting the bf's parents / working out / sleeping

Bad: Slob face roommate leaving the apartment a mess

Funny:Me to my sales manager: You know I keep a list of all the dumb things she says.Sales manager: Where? On the shared file? / Zach sending me the 'noname' attachment twice :)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


DG: Why aren't my smiley faces working?

DG: Do we recycle paperclips around here?

Day Two

I can't even begin to describe how much worse it feels to have to let go of someone for whom you love and care for more deeply than you ever thought imaginable, especially when you know they feel the same way about you. I will, however, like all those who stood here before me, be fine. However, fine is not what I want to be. I want to feel alive instead of frozen, excited instead of scared, and happy instead of devastated. "I want to be let back in the house."

"courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"

"Well, I'm gonna get out of bed every morning ...breathe in and out all day long. Then, after a while I won't have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out."

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Forget Regret or Life Is Yours to Miss

I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn. And we are led to those who help us most to grow, if we let them and we help them in return...well, I don't know if I believe that's true, but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you.

Please know I am forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me.

And I'm Still Hurting

Jamie is over and Jamie is gone
Jamie's decided it's time to move on
Jamie has new dreams he's building upon
And I'm still hurting

Jamie is over and where can I turn?
Covered with scars I did nothing to earn
Maybe there's somewhere a lesson to learn
But that wouldn't change the fact
That wouldn't speed the time
Once the foundation's cracked
And I'm Still Hurting

Friday, September 02, 2005

Moving Day

Luckily, I did not have to move, but the apartment has gone through a change. Jenn has left us and Shelly has moved in. Shelly is from Hawaii and she's a nice girl who works in the mental health profession. I remember when I moved in, in the end of December in the twelve inch remnants from the previous night's snow storm... And I couldn't decide if moving when everyone else is moving is worse, or moving in a foot of snow is worse. Either way, what's done is done.
We are glad to have Shelly as the latest addition to the 729 household.

I got to spend a good amount of time with Frank and Marcos last night after the gym (where I did my forty minutes of cardio). They drove from Chicago, arrived late on Wednesday. Frank is one of the few people in my life for whom I'd jump in front of a bus. He and I met during our freshman year at Syracuse, and have been close ever since. It's always a good feeling when a puzzle piece you've been missing suddenly appears at your doorstep. We hung out at the apartment and then ate some delicious Mexican food at a lovely eatery called Tacos Lupita. Later, we got some beer and couched for a while before they headed back to their hotel. Clearly not a long enough visit, however, completely worth while. I am hoping that as they complete their Eastern Seaboard Tour, they will find their way back to Boston at least for another day or two.