Happy Birthday Kendra

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It's got all the right elements: dark comedy, a great female lead, and a bizarre storyline.
The service wasn't as high quality as I would have expected from a place that usually serves entrees for thirty to forty dollars. Jess had to remind the server to bring her Cosmo after ordering it. I found our server to be curt and lack personality until Kendra complained about her dessert saying it was terrible after eating all of it. She then asked to bring home what was left in her plate - some carmamel sauce and a pecan. The server cracked a smile at this and it made me wish Kendra had used her feminine charms earlier in the experience.
The food (ordered of a pre-fixe menu) was great on presentation. The most impressive part of the meal (other than presentation) was the dessert. The dessert was this wonderful rum cake with pecans. It was a perfect combination of textures, flavors, and chewiness. It wasn't too sweet, or too rummy, or too mushy. I have major issues with mushiness. I should have been more diligent with the camera and taken pictures of the other food-next time. The picture is of the eggplant appetizer.
It was nice to have a sit down meal with three of my favorite people. We actually had mostly adult conversation the whole meal. It was nice to feel elegant and grown up - a nice contrast to the four of us riding coasters on Saturday.